Evaluations start this week

Hi TBL Families –

Evaluation week is finally upon us! In the spirit of continuing transparency, we would like to share additional information on the upcoming evaluations. In addition to the information we sent out last week regarding the skills that we will be evaluating at each age group, we would like to share the mix of evaluators that will be volunteering their time to help us create the most competitive teams for TBL this season.

Note: 6U will be evaluated through the first few practices of the season and do not hold separate evaluations.

As you can see, we have tried to create a mix of volunteers both internal and external to the club and they’ll do the best they can to evaluate fairly.

Some reminders as we go into this week:

• These volunteers are just that – they are volunteering their time to help evaluate our players. Please show them respect, even when you may not agree with their scores & decisions.

• Will they get it right Every. Single. Time? Nope. Evaluators are scoring each child during each evaluation. Just like there is the chance that your child may not perform well in the sessions, there is also the chance that they have 6 great shifts and one poor shift and the evaluator was watching your child during the poor shift. Remember that the evaluators are humans.

• Coach Elbrecht is committed to moving players up and down throughout the fall season based on the talent of our players. The board recently adopted a rule that will allow movement of the players between teams prior to 12/31/2023 when rosters must be finalized with Missouri Hockey.

Evaluation Format:

• Our Goalies will be evaluated at both the aged-based skates and also at goalie-only skates for this evaluation season. Goalies will be evaluated on stance, stick handling, movement/position, rebound control, and competitiveness.

• For our 8U players, the first two evaluation skates will be skill-based and the last two skates will be scrimmages.

• For our 10U-18U players, we will do a warm up drill at each skate followed by a full-ice scrimmage.

We’re looking forward to a great evaluation season these next few weeks. See you at the rink!

Tyler Elbrecht & Amy Taul