Fuel your Game - Pre-Game Nutrition

Did you know that what you eat the day before a game can impact your performance? 

It takes 24 hours for food to be digested and available for your body to use as energy for your muscles.

You don’t have to “carb load”, however carbohydrates are a key source of that energy. It’s essential that those are quality carbohydrates. Protein is also important, but shouldn’t be the biggest portion on your plate.  A side of dairy is recommended as well.

How do you time those meals, especially if you’re on the road for a 4-game weekend tournament?

Several hours before the game you’ll need to “top off” your tank. Timing depends on the athlete, but you need to give your body time to digest it. It’s okay to have a small snack an hour before game time. 

One other bit of advice, pre-game meals probably aren’t the best time to experiment with new foods. 

You can find more on Pre-Game Nutrition on our Resources page. 

Fuel you Game Resources Page